Feast of St Thomas

Published on July 3, 2023

Feast of Saint Thomas, The Apostle

    • The Feast of Saint Thomas, the Apostle is July 3rd.

      Saint Thomas was born a Jew and was called to be one of the original twelve Apostles.

      Saint Thomas is best known for his role in verifying the Resurrection of his Master. Thomas’ unwillingness to believe that the other Apostles had seen their risen Lord on the first Easter Sunday, earned him the title of “doubting Thomas.”

      Eight days later, on Christ’s second apparition, Thomas was gently rebuked for his skepticism and furnished with the evidence he had demanded – seeing in Christ’s hands the point of the nails. Thomas even put his fingers in the nail holes and his hand into Christ’s side. After verifying the wounds were true, Saint Thomas became convinced of the reality of the Resurrection and exclaimed, “My Lord and My God,” thus making a public Profession of Faith in the Divinity of Jesus.

    • Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.”  Thomas answered and said to him, “My Lord and my God!”  Jesus said to him, ” Have you come to believe because you have seen me?  Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”
      John 20: 27-29