Graveyard – Clarecastle

Published on June 13, 2023

We in the Parish of Clarecastle take great pride in the maintenance and presentation of our burial grounds and we would like to thank all who contribute in any way to this effort. In particular we would like to thank Paul Higgins for his dedicated work over the years.  We would also like to acknowledge Roche for their great contribution in maintaining the approach road and for the removal of numerous trees that were becoming a threat to our graveyards.

Over the last couple of years, at the prompting of the Tidy Towns Committee, we have established two areas dedicated to the promotion of Biodiversity as a contribution to their efforts to promote wild life in the area. This has become a very important section in the Tidy Towns programme. We are being guided by the All-Ireland Pollinator plan 2021 – 2025.

Area 1 is to the left and is being developed as a Native Wild Flower Hay Meadow. It is cut each September with all the material being removed. The aim is to promote the growth of a greater variety of plants which will happen naturally as the soil becomes depleted of minerals over time.

Area 2 is on the top right-hand side. This has been reseeded with a specifically sourced wild meadow mixture containing over 20 different species of native Irish plants flowering at different times to provide a continuous source of pollen. The area is cut each Sept and the material removed. This is currently in full bloom and we would urge you to inspect it. (There is also a Biodiversity space in the Church grounds).  Please do not deposit any debris from graves in the long grass of the biodiversity areas.

Over the last few years, we have removed all trees from the perimeter walls and at the entrance to the new graveyard as they were encroaching on the graves and in danger of damaging the walls.  Presently a section of the wall at the entrance has to be restored due to this damage.  Your assistance in taking away all debris from any grave/graves under your care would be greatly appreciated.

Ballyea:  Much appreciation is also extended to those who look after Ballyea graveyard. The graveyard adjoining the local church is a credit to all who work ceaselessly to maintain the burial ground to the standard we are used to.  This is fitting as it shows the respect we have for our dead and the sacred ground in which their remains rest.  As with Clarecastle graveyard we request all who look after family graves to bring the debris away with them.