Community Help for our Neighbours!!!

Published on November 14, 2023


  1. Introduce Yourself and Visit Often
    Share emergency contact information. Find out if your neighbour has local caregivers. If you notice that mail and newspapers aren’t being picked up, check on them.
  2. Offer Help with Meals
    Go grocery shopping for a neighbour or share a family dinner. Malnutrition is a common problem and may result in confusion, disorientation, and apathy.
  3. Provide transportation to a doctor’s appointment
  4. Help with Lawn Care
    If grass looks overgrown, offer to mow.
  5. Watch out for Scams
    Don’t let your neighbour get taken by a con artist. Report suspicious activity to your local law enforcement agency.
  6. Home Maintenance Help
    Offer to change lightbulbs, install grab bars, or paint.
  7. Personal Care
    Take your elderly neighbour to get a haircut or, if they’re homebound, have a hair stylist come to their homes.
  8. Look for Pet Neglect
    As elderly neighbours lose mobility, pets may suffer. Walk their pets; help with grooming.
  9. Just Listen
    Loneliness and isolation are often associated with depression in the elderly. Invite your neighbour for a short walk around the block. Exercise relieves stress and opens the door for conversations.
  10. Find Community Services
    Consider if your neighbour needs additional help.
If you are over 60 years old and in need of advice, support or information, please call Alone National Support and Referral Line, seven days a week from 8am – 8pm.  0818 222 024